Battletech Counterstrike Booster Pack
Battletech Counterstrike Booster Pack
Battletech Counterstrike Booster Pack
De: R$ 15,00
Por: R$ 10,00
2× de R$ 5,12
sem jurosR$ 10,00R$ 10,00
Você poderá escolher o número de parcelas ao concluir a compra.

* Isto é uma simulação, verifique o valor final das parcelas no intermediador de pagamentos.

sem jurosR$ 10,00R$ 10,00
R$ 5,12R$ 10,24
Você poderá escolher o número de parcelas ao concluir a compra.

* Isto é uma simulação, verifique o valor final das parcelas no intermediador de pagamentos.

As vendas desta loja estão temporariamente desativadas.
Reinforcements have arrived!

Raze your oponents' stockpiles with Counterstrike, the first expansion for the BattleTech® trading card game. Counterstrike features many new Inner Sphere and Clan 'Mechs® to throw at your enemies, along powerful new MechWarriors® and deadly mission and command cards. Your opponents will wish they had never been born.

Strike back! Strike hard! Vengeance is yours!

BattleTech is a trading card wargame set in the 31st century. Recommended for players 13 and over. Each player must have a deck of BattleTech cards to play.

Each Booster Pack contains 15 radon cards.

Fabricante: Wizards/Fasa
Idioma: Inglês